1.Smile and make someone else smile. An act of kindness goes a long way.
2. Be a Jack of all trades. But be passionate about one. Spend all your energy perfecting it.
3. Do not try to think of an answer to the question, “what is the purpose of this(art in general)? Nothing has a purpose. We are doing whatever for the well being of our mind which in turn gives us peace and that in turn makes us happy.
4. There is nothing called happiness. Every victory or joy is momentary. You have to find the next thing that gives you a sense of fulfilment. Fulfilment is real. That makes you happy. There is nothing called happiness.
5. Never give up what you love. Everything takes a lot of effort to build and a moment to destroy. Victory is hard work. May you be victorious in all you pursuits. Have a blessed Vijayadashami.